Great service, took my Samsung wide screen as no picture. They fixed it and it was back at home working within 48hrs. Very reasonable repair rate. I would definitely recommend their services.
- P Powell
They repaired a 3D smart TV that other companies thought was unfixable and did it more quickly than they could have by sending someone to look at it! Also, they did it at a much better price. Very impressed.
- MT2014
My TV was diagnosed and I was given a free, no-obligation and extremely reasonable quote within 6 hours. It was fixed within 7. I would definitely recommend Gareth of Ace Electronics for his polite, friendly and trustworthy service.
- gill313
Excellent service, totally professional, knows his stuff, great value for money.
- vince_b
I used Derby Ace Electronics after another TV repair company had quoted nearly £150 to repair my Samsung LED TV, kept it for over 4 weeks, then told me it could not be repaired. Derby Ace Electronics fixed it within a day for almost a third of that!! I was very impressed.
- Herbertz12
They repaired my Panasonic 42" plasma when I thought all was lost. Really great price and kept me posted when there was a delay with sourcing a part. Would definitely use again if anything goes faulty. Thanks.
- D Astle
Television and Hi-Fi repair services like no other, we will fix electronics in no time and within budget.
We can fix any type of television. Get in touch with Derby Ace Electronics in Derby.